Community Service & Fine Arts Diploma Seal
Fine Arts Diploma Seal
What is a Fine Arts Diploma Seal?
The Fine Arts Diploma Seal Portfolio is a collection of required forms, reflection, and samples/documentation of student work presented in a 1-inch binder. The portfolio will be evaluated on the following criteria: submission of portfolio requirements and organization and professional appearance.
Why have a Fine Arts Diploma Seal?
Having received the fine arts seal will signify to college admissions and employers that you are prepared to participate in the creative industries. Keep in mind that in order to receive a state of Georgia Fine Arts seal on your diploma you will need to complete a Fine Arts Diploma Seal Capstone Project during your senior year of high school.
Activities that count towards volunteer hours (not an inclusive list):
Rehearsals for a community service activities are considered arts community service related.
Painting Murals at Elementary Schools/Senior Centers/Member of your religious organization's dance/praise team, choir
Designing/maintaining a webpage for your religious organization
Creating a flyer for a non-profit agency
Singing/ playing an instrument at the senior citizen's center
Photographer at a community service event
Activities that DO-NOT count towards volunteer hours (not an inclusive list):
Large Group Performance Evaluations are mandated evaluations not community service (they are however considered extracurricular)
Stilwell Con Sabor
Recruitment Program
Principal Partner Day
Stilwell Performance Hours
Rehearsals for school performances (i.e. fall concerts, musicals, showcases)
Anything for which you have received payment (i.e. fundraisers for school or for your fine arts area/Singing Brothers)
***You can work on your arts related community service activities throughout the school year and during the summer. This can include arts related community service performed since 9th grade.***